May 14,15 – The Second Festival of Georgian Women's Traditional Music "Nanina-2024"

#Folk Songs -- 2024/04/16

The Second Festival of Georgian Women's Traditional Music "Nanina-2024" will be held at the Anzor Erkomaishvili Folklore State Centre on May 14-15. Topic of the mentioned festival is “Batonebi-tradition,  customs, music”. Initiator and organizer of the festival is  the creative group of ethnomusicologists "Nanina". Author of the idea-member of “Nanina” , ethnomusicologist-Maia Gelashvili. Supporters: Tbilisi City Hall, The Anzor Erkomaishvili Folklore State Centre. “Georgian Chanting Foundation” and “Shilda Winery”

Author :

Teona Benashvili - Master of Church Musicology, Giorgi Mtatsmindeli University of chant

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