November 1-3 - The ensemble “Adilei” is touring to perform at “Europalia-Georgia “

#Folk Songs -- 2023/10/30

This time “Adilei” ensemble is going to the International Culture festival “Europalia”

On November 1 and 2, "All Saints' Day" and "All Souls' Day" are celebrated in many European countries. Local residents remember their deceased loved ones, decorate their graves with flowers. Inspired by this tradition, a performance,  a dialogue of Georgian and European funeral songs - "Ritual: Songs for our deceased loved ones" was created.

It will be held at the cemeteries of Ostend and Leuven. The ensemble "Adilei", Nino Nakheuri, soprano Lore Binon and the local ensemble "Neighbours" will take part in the performance together with the audience.

On November 3, "Adilei" will hold a concert of Georgian traditional music in the Brussels contemporary art centre "Bozar", through  the Georgian avant-garde exhibition space.

Author :

Teona Benashvili - Master of Church Musicology, Giorgi Mtatsmindeli University of chant

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